Download OpenAPI specification:Download
The seo-name
doesn't have a functional impact on the image, but is provided to allow for adding SEO value to
asset URLs. The assetId
is an opaque string defined by the content repository that can be used to target
the asset resource.
In the URL construction, an SEO name and an output image format must be provided. Additionally, following transforms can optionally be specified as query parameters:
These are applied the order mentioned above, irrespective of where they appear in the URL. Syntax and examples for supported parameters is captured elsewhere in this document.
If-None-Match | string The For more details, please head over to RFC9110. |
Web-optimized version of the asset
Bad Request. The Problem Details object will provide more information about the exact cause.
Not Found
{- "title": "Bad Request",
- "status": 400,
- "detail": "Bad request, please check that you have provided the correct parameters and that they are valid."
This is a convenience API for /adobe/assets/{assetId}/as/{seoname}.{format}?...
that applies following defaults:
=> jpeg
(auto-determined via server-driven-content-negotiation, based on agent-declared capabilities)quality
=> 65
=> 1024
If-None-Match | string The For more details, please head over to RFC9110. |
Web-optimized version of the asset
Not Modified
Bad Request. The Problem Details object will provide more information about the exact cause.
Not Found
{- "title": "Bad Request",
- "status": 400,
- "detail": "Bad request, please check that you have provided the correct parameters and that they are valid."
The Original Asset Delivery API accepts an asset ID corresponding to the asset and delivers the bitstream as-is (as it was uploaded). This is a convenience API for /adobe/assets/{assetId}/renditions/{renditionName}/as/{seoname}
with renditionName
defaulting to original
If-None-Match | string The For more details, please head over to RFC9110. |
Original binary of the asset
Not Modified
Bad Request. The Problem Details object will provide more information about the exact cause.
Not Found
{- "title": "Bad Request",
- "status": 400,
- "detail": "Bad request, please check that you have provided the correct parameters and that they are valid."
The Asset Rendition Delivery API accepts an asset ID corresponding to the asset and the rendition name, and delivers the selected asset's specified rendition's bitstream as-is (as present on AEM Assets authoring environment).
If-None-Match | string The For more details, please head over to RFC9110. |
Binary of the specified rendition for the selected asset
Not Modified
Bad Request. The Problem Details object will provide more information about the exact cause.
Not Found
{- "title": "Bad Request",
- "status": 400,
- "detail": "Bad request, please check that you have provided the correct parameters and that they are valid."
The List Renditions API accepts an asset ID and returns the static renditions associated with the asset. A success response includes list of available renditions and their attributes.
If-None-Match | string The For more details, please head over to RFC9110. |
List of available renditions
Not Modified
Bad Request. The Problem Details object will provide more information about the exact cause.
Not Found
{- "assetId": "urn:aaid:aem:1a034bee-ebda-4787-bad3-f924d0772b75",
- "repo:name": "string",
- "items": [
- {
- "name": "2023-lexus-rx-450hl.jpg",
- "format": "image/jpeg",
- "size": 1,
- "dimensions": {
- "width": 1,
- "height": 1
Returns headers, including an ETag for the specified asset, which can be a lighter method of checking for the change in list of static renditions, without sending a full GET request.
Bad Request. The Problem Details object will provide more information about the exact cause.
Not Found
{- "title": "Bad Request",
- "status": 400,
- "detail": "Bad request, please check that you have provided the correct parameters and that they are valid."
The List Smart Crop API accepts an asset ID and retrieves the associated smart crops for the specified asset. A successful response returns a list of smart crops along with their attributes, providing details such as dimensions.
NOTE: This API is used by Adobe's Content Hub application. Using this API directly isn’t covered in Adobe Support agreements.
If-None-Match | string The For more details, please head over to RFC9110. |
List of smart crops
Not Modified
Bad Request. The Problem Details object will provide more information about the exact cause.
Not Found
{- "assetId": "urn:aaid:aem:1a034bee-ebda-4787-bad3-f924d0772b75",
- "repo:name": "string",
- "items": [
- {
- "name": "Large",
- "dimensions": {
- "width": 1,
- "height": 1
], - "cursor": "string"
Returns headers, including an ETag for the specified asset, which can be a lighter method of checking for the change in list of smart crops, without sending a full GET request.
NOTE: This API is used by Adobe's Content Hub application. Using this API directly isn’t covered in Adobe Support agreements.
Bad Request. The Problem Details object will provide more information about the exact cause.
Not Found
{- "title": "Bad Request",
- "status": 400,
- "detail": "Bad request, please check that you have provided the correct parameters and that they are valid."
The Original Asset Delivery API accepts an asset ID corresponding to the asset and delivers the bitstream as-is (as it was uploaded).
This API is deprecated, please use /adobe/assets/{assetId}/original/as/{seo-name}
If-None-Match | string The For more details, please head over to RFC9110. |
Original binary of the asset
Not Modified
Bad Request. The Problem Details object will provide more information about the exact cause.
Not Found
{- "title": "Bad Request",
- "status": 400,
- "detail": "Bad request, please check that you have provided the correct parameters and that they are valid."
Returns headers, including an ETag for the specified asset metadata, which can be a lighter method of checking for the existence of, or validating a cached version of an asset's metadata without sending a full GET request.
Bad Request. The Problem Details object will provide more information about the exact cause.
Not Found
{- "title": "Bad Request",
- "status": 400,
- "detail": "Bad request, please check that you have provided the correct parameters and that they are valid."
Asset metadata contains those metadata values that have been extracted from the asset, configured by the user, or derived from the asset during asset processing. Repository metadata contains metadata properties that are set and maintained by the repository during system operations.
If-None-Match | string The For more details, please head over to RFC9110. |
Metadata for the specified asset
Not Modified
Bad Request. The Problem Details object will provide more information about the exact cause.
Not Found
{- "value": {
- "assetId": "urn:aaid:aem:abcd1234-ab12-ab12-ab12-abcdef123456",
- "assetMetadata": {
- "xcm:keywords": [
- {
- "value": "Asset Properties : Orientation / Square",
- "@lang": "ENGLISH",
- "repo:ancestors": [
- "properties",
- "orientation",
- "square"
], - "xcm:machineKeywords": [
- {
- "value": "city",
- "confidence": 0.8512217998504639,
- "localeCode": "en-US"
], - "dc:creator": [
- "Photo Author"
], - "dc:description": "This is a view of a city skyline reflected in a body of water",
- "dc:title": "City skyline",
- "exif:GPSLatitude": "43,19.11N",
- "exif:GPSLongitude": "11,19.84E",
- "photoshop:ColorMode": 3,
- "photoshop:DateCreated": "2017-10-24T12:28:31.672Z",
- "tiff:BitsPerSample": [
- 8,
- 8,
- 8
], - "tiff:Orientation": 1,
- "xmp:CreateDate": "2016-08-09T00:00:00.000Z",
- "xmp:CreatorTool": "Adobe Photoshop CC 2019 (Macintosh)",
- "xmp:ModifyDate": "2019-11-21T22:02:22.000Z"
}, - "repositoryMetadata": {
- "aem:assetState": "processed",
- "aem:checkedOutBy": "",
- "dam:sha1": "8601cc48d27d85ae274c954286edfde34b907e12",
- "dc:format": "image/jpeg",
- "repo:createDate": "2023-04-14T06:31:07.174Z",
- "repo:createdBy": "",
- "repo:modifiedBy": "dam-writer-service",
- "repo:modifyDate": "2023-04-15T05:01:44.229Z",
- "repo:name": "city.jpeg",
- "repo:path": "/content/dam/city.jpeg",
- "repo:size": 338049,
- "repo:version": "oak:1.0::ci:y7ngaf96th56jt62awk8xkoa37c572fe",
- "tiff:imageLength": 780,
- "tiff:imageWidth": 1000,
- "repo:repositoryId": "",
- "repo:ancestors": [
- "urn:aaid:aem:abcd1234-ab12-ab12-ab12-abcdef123456"
], - "repo:state": "ACTIVE",
- "aem:published": "2023-04-22T23:26:09.036Z"
The Delivery API accepts an assetId, and if the ID corresponds to a video asset, delivers Player for video streaming. The asset ID is an opaque string defined by the content repository. The entity composing the Delivery URLs must know them apriori.
Response Video in Player.
Bad Request. The Problem Details object will provide more information about the exact cause.
Not Found
{- "title": "Bad Request",
- "status": 400,
- "detail": "Bad request, please check that you have provided the correct parameters and that they are valid."
The Delivery API accepts an asset ID, and if the ID corresponds to a video asset, delivers the playback manifest in the requested protocol. The asset ID is an opaque string defined by the content repository. The entity composing the Delivery URLs must know them apriori. If the asset is not a video asset, client gets a 404 response.
Response Video Manifests in selected format
Not Modified
Bad Request. The Problem Details object will provide more information about the exact cause.
Not Found
{- "title": "Bad Request",
- "status": 400,
- "detail": "Bad request, please check that you have provided the correct parameters and that they are valid."
The List Image Presets API returns the image presets configured for the given tenant. A successful response includes a list of available image presets and their attributes.
NOTE: This API is used by Adobe's Content Hub application. Using this API directly isn’t covered in Adobe Support agreements.
If-None-Match | string The For more details, please head over to RFC9110. |
List of available image presets
Not Modified
{- "cursor": "123",
- "items": [
- {
- "name": "testImagePreset1",
- "format": "jpeg"
}, - {
- "name": "testImagePreset2",
- "format": "jpeg,gray"
Creates a collection that represents a group of Asset(s) and/or Collection(s).
NOTE: This API is used by Adobe's Content Hub application. Using this API directly isn’t covered in Adobe Support agreements.
Returns information on the recently created collection, including its metadata.
Bad Request. The Problem Details object will provide more information about the exact cause.
{- "title": "Product Images",
- "description": "Images approved for use in the product catalog",
- "items": [
- {
- "id": "urn:aaid:aem:1a034bee-ebda-4787-bad3-f924d0772b75",
- "type": "asset"
{- "id": "urn:cid:aem:1a034bee-ebda-4787-bad3-f924d0772b75",
- "repositoryMetadata": {
- "repo:repositoryId": "string",
- "repo:createDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "repo:createdBy": "string",
- "repo:modifiedBy": "string",
- "repo:modifyDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"
}, - "collectionMetadata": {
- "title": "Product Images",
- "description": "Images approved for use in the product catalog"
Retrieves all the Collections available in the repository.
NOTE: This API is used by Adobe's Content Hub application. Using this API directly isn’t covered in Adobe Support agreements.
Collections retrieved successfully
Bad Request. The Problem Details object will provide more information about the exact cause.
{- "cursor": "string",
- "items": [
- {
- "id": "urn:cid:aem:1a034bee-ebda-4787-bad3-f924d0772b75",
- "repositoryMetadata": {
- "repo:repositoryId": "string",
- "repo:createDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "repo:createdBy": "string",
- "repo:modifiedBy": "string",
- "repo:modifyDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"
}, - "collectionMetadata": {
- "title": "Product Images",
- "description": "Images approved for use in the product catalog"
Retrieves collection metadata for a given collection id along with Etag representing the current state of the collection.
NOTE: This API is used by Adobe's Content Hub application. Using this API directly isn’t covered in Adobe Support agreements.
If-None-Match | string The For more details, please head over to RFC9110. |
X-Adobe-Accept-Experimental required | integer The |
Collection Metadata Retrieved successfully
Not Modified
Bad Request. The Problem Details object will provide more information about the exact cause.
Not Found
{- "id": "urn:cid:aem:1a034bee-ebda-4787-bad3-f924d0772b75",
- "repositoryMetadata": {
- "repo:repositoryId": "string",
- "repo:createDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "repo:createdBy": "string",
- "repo:modifiedBy": "string",
- "repo:modifyDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"
}, - "collectionMetadata": {
- "title": "Product Images",
- "description": "Images approved for use in the product catalog"
Returns headers, including an ETag for the specified collection, which can be a lighter method of checking for the existence of, or validating a cached version of an collection without sending a full GET request.
NOTE: This API is used by Adobe's Content Hub application. Using this API directly isn’t covered in Adobe Support agreements.
Bad Request. The Problem Details object will provide more information about the exact cause.
Not Found
{- "title": "Bad Request",
- "status": 400,
- "detail": "Bad request, please check that you have provided the correct parameters and that they are valid."
Deletes a collection for a given collection id. If the delete operation requires more than a few seconds to complete, a status link with the jobId is returned in the response header that can be used to check the status.
NOTE: This API is used by Adobe's Content Hub application. Using this API directly isn’t covered in Adobe Support agreements.
If-Match required | string The For more details, please head over to RFC9110. |
Collection deleted successfully.
Bad Request. The Problem Details object will provide more information about the exact cause.
Not Found
Precondition Failed
Precondition Required
{- "title": "Bad Request",
- "status": 400,
- "detail": "Bad request, please check that you have provided the correct parameters and that they are valid."
Updates the metadata for a given collection id.
NOTE: This API is used by Adobe's Content Hub application. Using this API directly isn’t covered in Adobe Support agreements.
If-Match required | string The For more details, please head over to RFC9110. |
No Content
Bad Request. The Problem Details object will provide more information about the exact cause.
Not Found
Precondition Failed
Precondition Required
{- "title": "New Title",
- "description": "New Description"
{- "title": "Bad Request",
- "status": 400,
- "detail": "Bad request, please check that you have provided the correct parameters and that they are valid."
Retrieve a paginated list of the items in the specified collection.
NOTE: This API is used by Adobe's Content Hub application. Using this API directly isn’t covered in Adobe Support agreements.
If-None-Match | string The For more details, please head over to RFC9110. |
X-Adobe-Accept-Experimental required | integer The |
Collection Retrieved successfully
Not Modified
Bad Request. The Problem Details object will provide more information about the exact cause.
Not Found
{- "cursor": "string",
- "self": [
- {
- "id": "urn:cid:aem:1a034bee-ebda-4787-bad3-f924d0772b75",
- "repositoryMetadata": {
- "repo:repositoryId": "string",
- "repo:createDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "repo:createdBy": "string",
- "repo:modifiedBy": "string",
- "repo:modifyDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"
}, - "collectionMetadata": {
- "title": "Product Images",
- "description": "Images approved for use in the product catalog"
], - "items": [
- {
- "id": "urn:aaid:aem:1a034bee-ebda-4787-bad3-f924d0772b75",
- "repo:repositoryId": "string",
- "type": "asset"
Returns headers, including an ETag for the specified assets collection, which can be a lighter method of checking for the existence of, or validating a cached version of an collection without sending a full GET request.
NOTE: This API is used by Adobe's Content Hub application. Using this API directly isn’t covered in Adobe Support agreements.
Bad Request. The Problem Details object will provide more information about the exact cause.
Not Found
{- "title": "Bad Request",
- "status": 400,
- "detail": "Bad request, please check that you have provided the correct parameters and that they are valid."
If the update operation requires more than a few seconds to complete, response includes a Location
header which contains the URL to poll for status of this operation.
NOTE: This API is used by Adobe's Content Hub application. Using this API directly isn’t covered in Adobe Support agreements.
If-Match required | string The For more details, please head over to RFC9110. |
Adds or removes an item from the collection.
No Content
Bad Request. The Problem Details object will provide more information about the exact cause.
Not Found
Precondition Failed
Precondition Required
[- {
- "op": "remove",
- "id": "urn:aaid:aem:fc472a53-4ef1-4fdb-8ebb-f9b1ee75985w",
- "type": "asset"
}, - {
- "op": "add",
- "id": "urn:aaid:aem:fc472a53-4ef1-4fdb-8ebb-f9b1ee75985w",
- "type": "asset"
{- "title": "Bad Request",
- "status": 400,
- "detail": "Bad request, please check that you have provided the correct parameters and that they are valid."
Retrieves the current job's status for a collection.
NOTE: This API is used by Adobe's Content Hub application. Using this API directly isn’t covered in Adobe Support agreements.
Status of a task being processed
Bad Request. The Problem Details object will provide more information about the exact cause.
Not Found
{- "operation": "aem.assets.collections.deleteCollection",
- "status": 200,
- "description": "Collection deleted successfully",
- "data": {
- "id": "12a020e8-ca19-44aa-91fa-c1c0db97edff",
- "collectionId": "urn:cid:aem:1a034bee-ebda-4787-bad3-f924d0772b75",
- "status": "COMPLETED"
}, - "errors": [ ],
- "warnings": [
- {
- "title": "Not Found",
- "detail": "Asset 'xyz-123' could not be found"
Event triggered when an asset can no longer be rendered through new DM APIs. This is used by applications when processing of asset(s) in delivery tier takes a long time, for example, video assets or assets going through any ML pipeline.
id required | string non-empty An identifier for the event. When used in combination with the |
source required | string <uri> non-empty ^acct:aem(-cmstg)?-p\d+-e\d+@adobe\.com$ An instance of the acct URI scheme that uniquely identifies the
producer of this event, of the format |
specversion required | string >= 3 characters The version of the CloudEvents specification which the event uses. AEM events use the CloudEvents spec version 1.0.2, hence this value will be 1.0. |
type required | string >= 4 characters ^aem\..*$ The type for the event. This will identify the AEM solution that has dispatched the event and may also include the type of entity and the activity that occurred. |
datacontenttype required | string non-empty The format of the data in the event. This will always be |
dataschema | string <uri> An optional attribute, which may point to a JSON schema document that covers the data object. |
time required | string <date-time> non-empty A timestamp of when the event occurred. |
required | object The event payload. |
Asset delivery disabled event data is received successfully
{- "specversion": "1.0",
- "type": "aem.assets.asset.removed_from_delivery",
- "source": "",
- "id": "7c1104e5-4cd7-47d6-a50f-2568c480f2e9",
- "time": "2018-04-05T17:31:00Z",
- "datacontenttype": "application/json",
- "data": {
- "myProp": "myValue",
- "assetId": "urn:aaid:aem:1a034bee-ebda-4787-bad3-f924d0772b75"
Event triggered when an asset is ready for delivery through new DM APIs. This is used by applications when processing of asset(s) in delivery tier takes a long time, for example, video assets or assets going through any ML pipeline.
id required | string non-empty An identifier for the event. When used in combination with the |
source required | string <uri> non-empty ^acct:aem(-cmstg)?-p\d+-e\d+@adobe\.com$ An instance of the acct URI scheme that uniquely identifies the
producer of this event, of the format |
specversion required | string >= 3 characters The version of the CloudEvents specification which the event uses. AEM events use the CloudEvents spec version 1.0.2, hence this value will be 1.0. |
type required | string >= 4 characters ^aem\..*$ The type for the event. This will identify the AEM solution that has dispatched the event and may also include the type of entity and the activity that occurred. |
datacontenttype required | string non-empty The format of the data in the event. This will always be |
dataschema | string <uri> An optional attribute, which may point to a JSON schema document that covers the data object. |
time required | string <date-time> non-empty A timestamp of when the event occurred. |
required | object The event payload. |
Asset delivery ready event data is received successfully
{- "specversion": "1.0",
- "type": "aem.assets.asset.ready_for_delivery",
- "source": "",
- "id": "7c1104e5-4cd7-47d6-a50f-2568c480f2e9",
- "time": "2018-04-05T17:31:00Z",
- "datacontenttype": "application/json",
- "data": {
- "myProp": "myValue",
- "value": {
- "assetId": "urn:aaid:aem:abcd1234-ab12-ab12-ab12-abcdef123456",
- "assetMetadata": {
- "xcm:machineKeywords": [
- {
- "value": "city",
- "confidence": 0.8512217998504639,
- "localeCode": "en-US"
], - "pur:expirationDate": "2023-04-17T06:31:07.174Z"
}, - "repositoryMetadata": {
- "aem:assetState": "processed",
- "aem:checkedOutBy": "",
- "dam:sha1": "8601cc48d27d85ae274c954286edfde34b907e12",
- "dc:format": "image/jpeg",
- "repo:createDate": "2023-04-14T06:31:07.174Z",
- "repo:createdBy": "",
- "repo:modifiedBy": "dam-writer-service",
- "repo:modifyDate": "2023-04-15T05:01:44.229Z",
- "repo:name": "city.jpeg",
- "repo:path": "/content/dam/city.jpeg",
- "repo:size": 338049,
- "repo:version": "oak:1.0::ci:y7ngaf96th56jt62awk8xkoa37c572fe",
- "tiff:imageLength": 780,
- "tiff:imageWidth": 1000,
- "repo:repositoryId": "",
- "repo:ancestors": [
- "urn:aaid:aem:abcd1234-ab12-ab12-ab12-abcdef123456"
], - "repo:state": "ACTIVE",
- "aem:published": "2023-04-22T23:26:09.036Z"
APIs for generating archives containing binaries (one or more assets, with one or more renditions) in one of the supported archival formats (e.g., zip
Request creation of an archive for the asset references specified in the request payload. The response contains an identifier and metadata pertaining to the archive request.
The result of the operation will be one or more archives. The API may use various factors to determine the number of archives required to complete the operation. For example, very large archive request might be split into multiple files.
Consumers of this API should use the response Location
header to poll for the status of the archive creation request. The polling interval should be determined by the Retry-After
header value.
Invalid assets specified for inclusion in the archive will not fail the overall creation process. Instead, the API will create a archive containing the assets it could find, with invalid asset references appearing as warnings in the final status response.
NOTE: This API is used by Adobe's Content Hub application. Using this API directly isn’t covered in Adobe Support agreements.
required | Array of objects non-empty Assets to be included in the archive. By default, any custom renditions generated via Processing Profiles and original rendition are included, and all others are excluded. The request can optionally specify renditions that MUST be included-in or excluded-from the archive being requested. |
format | string (ArchiveFormat) Default: "zip" The output format of the archive |
namePrefix | string The name to use for the created archive file(s). Note that the API will treat this as a suggestion, and reserves the right to change the final archive name as needed. If not provided, the API will assign its own file name according to any logic it deems fit. |
Bad Request. The Problem Details object will provide more information about the exact cause.
Unsupported Media Type. When provided as a response to a PATCH
the response will provide an Accept-Patch
response header to notify
the client what patch document media types are supported.
The server encountered an unexpected error. Retrying the request after a certain time could help.
{- "items": [
- {
- "assetId": "urn:aaid:aem:1a034bee-ebda-4787-bad3-f924d0772b75",
- "repo:repositoryId": "",
- "includeRenditions": [
- "thumbnail.319.png",
- "customRenditionName.png"
], - "excludeRenditions": [
- "original"
], - "format": "zip",
- "namePrefix": "assets"
{- "id": "1a034bee-ebda-4787-bad3-f924d0772b75",
- "format": "zip",
- "submittedBy": "",
- "submittedDate": "2024-02-28T21:39:02.417-0800"
Get the status of the archive creation request
NOTE: This API is used by Adobe's Content Hub application. Using this API directly isn’t covered in Adobe Support agreements.
Not Found
The server encountered an unexpected error. Retrying the request after a certain time could help.
{- "operation": "aem.assets.archives.createArchive",
- "status": 200,
- "description": "Archive created successfully",
- "data": {
- "id": "12a020e8-ca19-44aa-91fa-c1c0db97edff",
- "format": "zip",
- "submittedBy": "",
- "submittedDate": "2024-02-28T21:39:02.417-0800",
- "status": "COMPLETED",
- "completionDate": "2024-02-28T21:50:31.346-0800",
}, - "errors": [ ],
- "warnings": [
- {
- "title": "Not Found",
- "detail": "Asset 'xyz-123' could not be found"
For a given archiveId
, one or more archive files can be created.
Archival Request Status API provides the list of archive files available for the archiveId
. This API enables download of any/all of those files.
NOTE: This API is used by Adobe's Content Hub application. Using this API directly isn’t covered in Adobe Support agreements.
Not Found
The server encountered an unexpected error. Retrying the request after a certain time could help.
{- "title": "Not Found",
- "status": 404,
- "detail": "The requested resource could not be found."